www.americanlawsociety.com - American Law Society

"Living abroad, the American Law Society made finding a US lawyer a very simple and stress free process. Within minutes of contacting the society I was given the contact information for 2 separate attorneys that specialize in my case type. The American law society then kept in close contact with me past regular business hours and even through weekends helping me locate and obtain the right council as soon as possible. I was very impressed with their short response time and their level on honesty and competency. My case was very complex and abnormal and they were able to put me in touch with multiple attorneys that had years of experience dealing with complex cases. The American law society is a great resource for locating some of Americas top lawyers."
-Brittany P., ON Canada

"As a new member of the American Law Society, I am very appreciative of the introduction by the American Law Society to a senior partner of one of America's greatest law firms. This gentleman is also a member of the American Law Society. I could never have arranged this introduction on my own. This demonstrates one of the real values of membership in the American Law Society."
 -Senior Attorney (20 Years), US Dept of Justice, Washington DC

"The folks at the American Law Society are first class. I’ve heard that you’re either putting in to the hat or you’re taking out. American Law Society puts in first and is always looking to add value for you, your practice, and your professional relationships."
 -Ian A. Northon, Roetzel Associates, Florida

"I was recently admitted to the American Law Society. I have found the American Law Society to be very professional as well as useful. Setting up my new website was simple and straightforward, and the resulting product looks great. Their staff have been wonderful to work with in terms of being very knowledgeable, professional, and customer focused."
 -Ronald Feick, Michigan

"I became a lawyer because I wanted to help people overcome problems. I've always known how to help others, however I was never good at marketing my practice. I was nominated to be part of the American Law Society by a colleague. Subsequently, I was accepted and love the exposure I've received."
-Jonathan R., Virginia

"Thank you American Law Society (AMLS) for helping me with case funding and experts on demand. Before I was accepted as a member I was struggling with finding access to the right resources. You made it simple for a non technical person to get these things done quickly and efficiently."
-Sue Ellen, New York

"I have been a lawyer for two years and struggling with the fact that I do not have a lot of experience which makes it hard to find new clients. I am thankful for everything I have been able to accomplish since joining the American Law Society. It has truly changed my practice."
-Monica F., California

"American Law Society';s team has helped showcase my professional accomplishments in a simple aggregated format. I can't thank them enough for the increased visibility. From their press release service to customer service - Thank you American Law Society!"
-Ginger T., North Carolina