www.americanlawsociety.com - American Law Society
Posted 01/26/2024 by Alec Allen Ross

The Return on Investment for Trademarks

The Return on Investment for Trademarks

Trademarks are a valuable form of intellectual property that can help you protect your brand identity and reputation. However, trademarks also require an initial investment of time and money to register and maintain. In this blog, I will discuss some of the benefits that trademarks can provide in the long run, and how they can outweigh the costs.

First, let’s look at the costs of trademark registration. According to the USPTO, the cost to apply for and maintain a trademark registration depends on multiple factors, such as the filing option, the number of classes of goods or services, and the filing basis. The basic cost to trademark a business name ranges from $250 to $350 per trademark class. This is the cost to submit your trademark application to the USPTO online through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). You may also need to pay additional fees depending on whether you are already using your trademark in commerce or not. After you register your trademark, you must file documents to maintain your registration at regular intervals, which also have filing fees. For example, you have to file a declaration of use and/or excusable nonuse with an application for renewal every ten years, which currently has a filing fee of $525 per class of goods or services that you renew.

These costs may seem high, but they are worth it when you consider the benefits that trademarks can offer. Here are some of the advantages of trademark registration:

You own the mark - A federal trademark registration gives you the legal ownership and exclusive rights to use the mark in the country related to the goods or services in the registration. You can prevent others from using your trademark or one too similar to yours, and sue them in court if they infringe on your rights.

You can use the federal trademark registration symbol, ® - This symbol shows that you are registered with the USPTO and that you have strong rights over your mark. This may help deter others from using your trademark or one too similar to yours, and also enhance your brand image and credibility.

You have increased protection online and through social media - A trademark registration can help you protect your domain name, website, and social media accounts from cybersquatters, counterfeiters, and impostors. You can also take advantage of brand registry services offered by online platforms such as Amazon and eBay, which can help you prevent unauthorized sellers from using your trademark and selling fake products under your brand name.

You have a presumption of ownership - A trademark registration serves as a certificate of ownership that proves that you own the mark and have the right to use it. This eliminates the need for copious amounts of evidence in case of a dispute or litigation over your mark.

You are listed in the USPTO database - A trademark registration makes your mark visible in the USPTO’s database of registered and pending trademarks. This provides public notice to anyone searching for similar trademarks, and prevents the federal registration of a mark that is similar to yours.

You have an asset that can be licensed or sold - A trademark registration creates an intangible asset that has value and can be used as a source of income or capital. You can license your mark to others for a fee or royalty, or sell it outright if you wish.

You have an easier way to international rights - A trademark registration allows you to use it as a basis for filing for trademark protection in foreign countries. This can help you expand your business globally and protect your brand identity in different markets.

As you can see, trademarks can provide many benefits that can outweigh the costs of registration and maintenance. Trademarks can help you protect your brand identity and reputation, deter competitors and infringers, enhance your brand image and credibility, increase your online presence and security, prove your ownership and rights, create a valuable asset that can be licensed or sold, and expand your business internationally. These benefits can translate into higher customer loyalty, satisfaction, retention, and referrals; lower marketing costs; higher sales and profits; and greater competitive advantage.

Therefore, if you have a distinctive name or logo that represents your business, products, or services, you should consider registering it as a trademark. Trademarks are a worthwhile investment that can pay off in the long run. If you need help with trademark registration or maintenance, you can contact us. We can guide you through the process and ensure that your trademark meets all the legal requirements and standards.


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